A Decade Of Travel “I wanted to explore. To feel that fire in my belly every morning…” My first trip overseas was to Edinburgh, Scotland where I performed Personals with my high school acting troupe. I remember being mesmerized by the gothic...
The James Beard House “I almost didn’t read the email that changed my life.” It was a cold winter morning, and I was absent-mindedly scrolling through my inbox while sipping coffee in bed. Buried among hundreds of promotional emails, there was this one....
Impostor Syndrome “Standing before 100 women that morning was daunting.” I stood in front of the stage taking deep breaths as I looked out into the Sunday morning crowd. The synagogue-turned-venue in the Lower East Side was stunning. Age had crept into the...
My Vegan Story “For me, the way to a vegan lifestyle is through the stomach.” For most people, the main reason they stick with animal products is that they can’t bear the idea of never having another slice of cheesy, melty, magnificent pizza. That was my...